Friday, May 15, 2009

Clearing My Head

My blog title may mislead you to believe that I am some oppressed soul who has finally found her voice thanks to but those who know me will laugh at that thought! I have had a very normal healthy life where my opinions have been heard, sometimes with respect, sometimes with absolute disdain and disrespect but I am no oppressed soul. So there take that idea out of your head NOW!

Anyways, as I was saying I am a normal everyday Indian in her 20's and like the rest of the world I have lots to say. How important is what I say or how much of a difference it can make is not something that I am bothered about. Sometimes you get tired of fighting and all you want to do is sit back say your two pennies worth and see what happens next. I have never done that, until today. People say I am pretty aggressive, I have never clearly understood that. If I believe in something or if I think I am right I stand by it, very stubbornly, true, so? How does that make me aggressive? Like hello isn't that what the whole world keeps saying stand up for your rights, don’t give up the fight! And when I do just that you give a label. Thank you! I love you too!
Ok so here it is I am a talkative 20 something Indian girl who is stubborn and aggressive. Here comes the shocker she is also extremely considerate, amiable, loves children, her family, theatre, politics, books and her small beautiful town in the foothills of the Himalaya.

I am a small town girl educated in one the best all girls’ boarding school, who studied the past of our world in one of the most acclaimed Indian Universities worked with some of the best organizations in our country, loved every job she ever had, cribbed a lot about all of them and in a twisted sense is extremely satisfied with life. Twisted because everyday I want more, more to love, more to read, more to do, more to live. Satisfied because I usually end up getting more and if I don’t I still smile.

This and more is me. Confused? So am I!

See you next time with MORE on something else!

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