Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dun Dun Dehradun

Its amazing how Dehradun is so unpredictable just like me! I was complaining how it is so darn hot here and suddenly there was a hail storm! Yes a hailstorm ion the month of May! I know this is a bad sign for the environment and the litchi and mango harvests but it was beautiful...

My sincere apologies to all the environmentalists and the farmers it really was! The morning was so hot and the evening pleasantly cold...

No wonder I feel at home in Dun - her unpredictability makes it extremely exciting and so much like me.

Yes, Dun is a woman, something with such immense beauty and such crazy mood swings can not, not be a woman.

That's it for today, that's all i wanted to say -

  1. There was a hailstorm
  2. Dun is unpredictable and beautiful.
  3. Dun is a woman.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Changes around Me

Life in Dun simply put its hot... I can’t believe how this lovely town of mine has turned into this tandoor... Damn al Gore was right we really are heading towards the end of the world! Global warming is a reality, everyone across the world feels it, we all know it, yet we refuse to let go off our acs in the cars, our acs in the house...damn you people because of your stupid ac my town burns....

Okay besides the heat Dun is still lovely, everyone around me told me that I will miss Delhi and its life, and that I will be heading back very soon. I miss Delhi and my life there, but I don’t see myself running back, no I honestly don’t.
Delhi was fun, living with my friends, working as an anchor, India Gate, Chandini Chowk, Gk M Block market, the late night parties, THE CLUBS, THE DANCING, PVR, ENGLISH MOVIES ON BIG SCREENS WITH AWESOME POPCORN AND NACHOS... ok I miss all this and lots more!

But I don’t crave to go back, maybe because its so close, maybe because technology keeps you close to friends, maybe because Dun too has good markets, maybe because deep down I was always an outsider, a warmly accepted, well settled and extremely comfortable outsider.
Delhi is a city I love but Dun is home.

The life in dun is pretty slow, true, people here have there own pace for everything, no one is in a rush and everyone reaches their destination in time.
Dun has changed though, I see more cars, more young couples, I see Flats (???) in Dun! Pubs are springing from various corners; there is a wave of change that has taken over the city.

I’m not sure whether it is good or bad, I’m still adapting myself to the change but I miss my old Dun though.
My dun was slower, greener, emptier, and quieter. In my Dun we could cycle to any part of the city, in my dun there were more uncles taking their dogs for a walk, My Dun - Ah!
But I guess change is the only constant in life, and we all have to accept the change.

Speaking of change...Man what an Election! I can’t believe the results!! It’s out of this world... One historic win for the Congress…
Its true, demand for the change and you will get it. I know UPA in power is not a change but hello Mamta Banerjee in West Bengal! THAT is a HUGE change.
30 years of CPIM out of the window...

WOW! Is it a good change or a bad one, who am I to comment lets wait and watch.
I exercised my right, I voted for who I believe in or more like voted against what I don’t believe in, lets see if those who say they can change the course of India, truly can.
Singhji Chak De Phate Izzat ka sawaal hai!

I had thought I would write about Dun but here I go again, blabbering about anything that fancies me, when it fancies me, am I have a short attention span!!!

Well maybe next time there will be MORE on dun!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Moving On

I can still clearly see pictures of the past.

That moment, that person, that smell, it never truly goes away. I have left that memory way behind yet sometimes its there sitting next to me.
My present doesn’t have anything of the past but somehow my past has my present. Sounds absurd doesn’t it?

It is in that moment that I have forgotten or that I wish to forget that I created my today, so how can they really be separated?

There are days when I can clearly hear my father’s voice, like he is there, next to me, saying those words. These utterances don’t happen when I am down in the dumps or when I am at the heights of elation, they can happen anytime, without warning.

It been 3 years yet I can still smell him around the house, a house that he never lived in.

People told us to FORGET what happened and MOVE ON.

And I have, my whole family has.
We are living our lives the way he would have wanted us to, fully, completely with no complains (ok with some complains!). In fact there are days when I don’t think of him at all, days when I cant even remember anything, days when no memory of the incident exists, days when it all seems unreal and then there are days like today, when for no apparent reason the pain is as strong as the day I first felt it.

I have not forgotten, not one word, not one emotion, not one moment.

But then maybe moving on doesn’t mean FORGETTING the moments or the person, maybe it means ACCEPTING the absence of those moments, of that person.

Maybe moving on means living with the knowledge of that absence, maybe moving on means having the courage to live with the knowledge of that absence.

I believe we all have that courage. I know we do.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Clearing My Head

My blog title may mislead you to believe that I am some oppressed soul who has finally found her voice thanks to but those who know me will laugh at that thought! I have had a very normal healthy life where my opinions have been heard, sometimes with respect, sometimes with absolute disdain and disrespect but I am no oppressed soul. So there take that idea out of your head NOW!

Anyways, as I was saying I am a normal everyday Indian in her 20's and like the rest of the world I have lots to say. How important is what I say or how much of a difference it can make is not something that I am bothered about. Sometimes you get tired of fighting and all you want to do is sit back say your two pennies worth and see what happens next. I have never done that, until today. People say I am pretty aggressive, I have never clearly understood that. If I believe in something or if I think I am right I stand by it, very stubbornly, true, so? How does that make me aggressive? Like hello isn't that what the whole world keeps saying stand up for your rights, don’t give up the fight! And when I do just that you give a label. Thank you! I love you too!
Ok so here it is I am a talkative 20 something Indian girl who is stubborn and aggressive. Here comes the shocker she is also extremely considerate, amiable, loves children, her family, theatre, politics, books and her small beautiful town in the foothills of the Himalaya.

I am a small town girl educated in one the best all girls’ boarding school, who studied the past of our world in one of the most acclaimed Indian Universities worked with some of the best organizations in our country, loved every job she ever had, cribbed a lot about all of them and in a twisted sense is extremely satisfied with life. Twisted because everyday I want more, more to love, more to read, more to do, more to live. Satisfied because I usually end up getting more and if I don’t I still smile.

This and more is me. Confused? So am I!

See you next time with MORE on something else!