Monday, January 31, 2011

Many people I know think I am too optimistic, sometimes unrealistically so, and as always they have their reasons...

"You have had a good childhood",

"Acchi education mili hai",

"You have always had adequate money",

“You have never really experienced real pain",

"You don’t understand rejection"...

I usually shrug it off, you know, ‘to each his own’. But then sometimes, in life's rare moments I don’t feel like shrugging it off. After all I am human; I need the distance to close. Sometimes the ground beneath my feet too can get unsteady.

Sometimes I want to be selfish because; sometimes I need that hug or that encouraging smile.

There are moments when I need that shoulder to lean on.

Sometimes I don’t want to be the one holding you, I want someone to hold me. Sometimes I need someone to be my reason to smile, to be my strength...

Just sometimes…

And then there are moments when the only reason I want to share my pain is to let that someone who is hurting know that I understand, at least partly.

I want to tell them that though at the moment the pain is overwhelming and may never truly disappear, life will move on and it will be beautiful. And that YES it is definitely worth the effort and that everything may never be the same but it will be more than okay, one day.

I want them to know that it is okay to hurt. It is ok to be angry. It is ok to sleep with the lights on, but it is not okay to stop living. It is not ok to stop laughing and it is not ok to stop believing....

Believe life is beautiful.

Believe true love exists.

Believe people can change.

Believe in the greater good.

And no, I am NOT an optimist because life has been smooth, I am NOT an optimist because I have never had my heart broken, I am NOT an optimistic because I don’t know what loss is.

I am optimistic despite knowing and feeling the loss, the heart ache and the tears...

I have had my heart ripped out and stomped upon more than once.

I have been made fun of by those I called friends several times.

I have been the 'odd-one-out' for years.

I have lost more than a friend or a lover.

I have felt unwanted, been a failure.

I have disappointed and have been disappointed and despite it all I smile.

Despite it all I believe.

We all face challenges in life, we are all pushed and shoved and tested but we must never forget that as human's what we have is our spirit - to fight, to hang on, to love and to live.

You have one life, one life alone, and it’s your decision to make it what you want. It is up to you whether this is 'the end' or a 'new beginning'.

Believe what you want but the truth is life never stops.

Pay your tribute and the move on.

I am not heartless, I feel pain but I also realize that moving on is NOT about forgetting, it is about accepting.

Accepting that some things were never meant to be.

Accepting your mistakes so that you can rectify them.

Accepting your weakness so that you can see your true potential.

Accepting what you are so you may become who you want.

Accept the loss only then can you move on.

Accept that there will be days when you will not even remember the who, the what and the why and accept that there will be days when everything will be so fresh and real, as if you are reliving the moment all over again.

Accept how you feel only then can you heal.

Accept and don't feel guilty

Accept that the joy will return and that NO-ONE DESERVES IT MORE THAN YOU....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lyrics: Sweet Child of Mine...

One of my all time favourite songs... the best love song ever written...
This would work! Anytime :)


She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o' mine

Friday, January 21, 2011

Marooned…in the horizon a ship sets sail…
A broken compass. A watch that doesn’t tell time.
an ocean ahead yet no water to quench my thirst.
A stale sandwich.
A pen without ink.
Marooned… a rescue boat but no one to be rescued…
Ah! The irony called life…
Give your best performance. Hear the applause.
The curtain falls. Take a bow…
Ah! The joy called life…

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One moment

In my earlier post I talked about moments that made 2010. Seems like the enchantment of moments has not yet left me because here I am talking about just that yet again!

It’s weird how sometimes you spend hours and years deciphering, understanding and relating to things and people that are so important to you and then BANG there is that one moment when none of it makes any sense...

Your entire life and all the hard work seem trivial or insignificant and NO, it doesn't have to be a moment of depression neither do I mean something horrible...

It’s just a moment..

It could be a smile that you got from that old beggar lady on the street,

The shimmering light you see up in the mountain...

Or a puppy you cuddled

It could be something you see every single day and never register, but today, just for that split second, it catches your eye and in that very instant life calls...

It could be the warmth of the hand you have held a thousand times

Or the one you hold for the first time...

It could be that song you sang when you were a child

The words of a friend

The look of a stranger

It could be that long lost yet memorable smell...

Just anything...

That one moment and you will never be the same again...

Monday, January 10, 2011

and it begins...

They say life is about the moments...

Moments that are so large that one can’t see anything beyond them

Moments so small that they may well be forgotten...

Life is all about the moments...

2010: 365 days of moments

365 days made of moments when decisions were made and broken

365 days made of moments when darkness engulfed everything around me

365 days made of moments when the smile didn't stop...

Moments where I discovered who I really am because I changed

Moments where I refused to let go

Moments when I learnt to move on

Moments where concepts of love were shattered only to be redefined

Moments when who I am was less important than what I can be

Moments when limits defined were erased

2010: The year I lived.

This is the year when my heart bled as I watched many walk away

The year when pain long held was washed away

This is the year I lost love

The year I found love

This is the year when I discovered betrayal

The year when true friendship found its way

This is the year I learnt about limits

The year I discovered the power of faith

This is the year I realized the human spirit can endure all…

2010: The year that was full of peaks and valleys

IF there was love THEN there was heartbreak

There was loss BUT also self discovery

IF there was joy THEN there were endless tears

The dark night came BUT the moon shone with all its brilliance

IF there was sunrise THEN there was sunset

The afternoon was cold BUT the warm winter sun never left my face...

Life is all about the moments...

Moments that made 2010...

Moments that will make 2011...

It ends only to begin...

2011 Happy New Year