We used to walk it to school often since we lived in Welham Boys' which is just across the street (better known as the School across the LOC).
The memory is of one of those days.
We were running late and she was walking in front while I was strolling at my own pace behind her. She kept telling me to hurry up, she was really annoyed. She told me if you don't hurry up ill leave you and go to school, you can keep walking in the park.
I could not catch up with her, she was much faster. I was scared that she would leave me and go.
There is a curve just before we hit the Welham Girls' boundary and I lost her there.
I remember thinking "She has left me" and how I would tell mom that my sister deserted me (I was always a drama queen!).
And then I heard her shouting, "Neha will you hurry up ya, cant you see we are late". She was standing at the gate, She had not deserted me.
She never has.
Thanks for always being around you fat bum! Whether as a big bully (don't deny it, you beat me up as a child) or as my confidant (all the broken hearts and bitching sessions) you have always been around.
I love You, You Bum!!!
Us on my birthday party(H'IC'APPY)
I am feeling a little lost today.
I dont know what it is that is bothering me but something seems amiss. There seems to be a certain emptyness that is crying out to me to do something. I wish I knew how to tackle that or what the emptyness is about.
On the surface everything in my life seems complete, but something deep down is not right.
Maybe I want to know what is the purpose of my life. Or maybe its something as simple as whether my purpose to shift to dun is being fulfilled or not. I had come to dun with a set agenda, but somewhere that aganda has taken a back seat. I had left my life in delhi for a reason and I was happy to shift. But since the reason seems unfulfilled so am I.
I need to do something to get back to that agenda, that reason for my shifting to dun, I need to be honest and get down to what I came here for.
I need to get cracking, NOW.